Dem Bones – Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a very common condition in older women.  It is characterized by a decrease in bone density which leads to decreased strength and fragile bones.  The bones become porous and spongy.  This condition leads to compressed vertebrae which can cause a decrease of up to six inches in height.  It makes day-to-day activities a challenge.

Some signs of osteoporosis include sloping shoulders, curve in the back, height loss, back pain, hunched posture, and a protruding abdomen.

Areas of the body that are prone to fractures because of osteoporosis include the spine, hips, ribs, and wrists.  However, almost any bone in the body can be fractured due to weakening caused by osteoporosis.  People can have osteoporosis and not know it until they fall and break a bone.  When they visit their doctor to treat their broken bone, the doctor often finds that the bones were weak and may have caused the fall.

Prevention should start when we are young and continue throughout life.  It includes getting enough calcium; drinking plenty of milk and eating fruits and vegetables regularly.  Another way to strengthen bones is through weight-bearing exercises like gymnastics, running, dancing, lifting weights and yoga.  Be sure to avoid smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and eating poorly, as these can lead to osteoporosis.

If you are wondering if you have weak bones, talk to your doctor about getting a bone density test.

What are you doing now to prevent weak bones and osteoporosis later in life?  Please share your tips with us!

Healthy Bones            Osteoporosis

3 thoughts on “Dem Bones – Osteoporosis

  1. My sister-in-laws take One a Day Women’s to help their bone strength from decreasing and to support their breast health. Although this is a good supplement, they also try eating healthy. No pill can replace healthy habits!

  2. I’m so afraid of osteoporosis! I feel like I’m doomed to get it eventually. So I at least make sure I take a calcium supplement. I also know that as we continue to age, it’s good for people to have bone density screenings and tests.

  3. Wow, a picture is worth a thousand words. I have significant osteoporosis in my lower back, but calcium does help. I don’t think you can get enough in a regular diet, and most of us don’t consume enough dairy products. But, drinking sodas is probably about the worst thing we do, as consumers, to aggravate bone loss.

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